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. Let English Be Your Language .
Miss Frances
Say Your English Name Correctly
Do you pronounce Carl as Cow or Fiona as Fee-on-na??? Remember, the sweetest sound in the world is the person's own name, said by Dale...
Miss Frances
No More "Repeat Again, please" !
How often do you say "Can you repeat again, please?", "I do this every single day.", "Please sign your name here." and this classic...
Miss Frances
A - Z Personality...with Its Chinese Meaning
Start using these adjectives to describe people's personality. Oh, and I surely hope you're not PETTY and STINGY!
Miss Frances
BEST illustration to teach 'throw up'
Need a cup of ginseng tea??? #Throwup #Sick #Vomit
Miss Frances
Have you seen this TV ad on TVB Jade?
Miss Frances
Spaced out 發呆 / 雲遊四海
Hey, I'm talking to you? Are you spaced out again???
Miss Frances
What does 'Holy cow' mean?
It means 有無搞錯呀 and also OMG! Watch the first 50 seconds to understand 'Holy cow' even better!
Miss Frances
咁仲使你講咩! English version
'It / That goes without saying' is how we can say it in English. Now, it goes without saying when you check out my DAILY CLASS section...
Miss Frances
What do you call that smell / odor in English?
See that Chinese character circled in red. We call this unpleasant smell as MUSTY usually. I'm NEVER a fan of Hong Kong from February to...
Miss Frances
What is 撩鼻屎 in English???
Pick your nose --- Yes, stop picking your nose! I can see what you're doing! Show some respect when reading my post!!! : P #Nose #Pick...
Miss Frances
Help us to improve OR Help us improve?
Well, probably the Ikea PR 'experts' got confused too...and that's why he / she used both 'Help us to improve' and 'Help us improve'. ...
Miss Frances
"Not to throw rubbish anywhere", can you read? I'm talking to you!
A VERY DIRECT and RUDE (not even with the word 'please') notice with WRONG English! This very well-established and big building...
Miss Frances
The Importance of ALWAYS Double or Triple Checking What You Write and Wrote
'Save' or 'Safe'??? I always tell my students that they have to DOUBLE or TRIPLE check their writing, even for a short sentence or...
Miss Frances
How do you say 咕喱 in English???
咕喱 is coolie. So, STOP treating your helper, your mom, your dad, your grandma, your grandpa like a coolie, but if you're a female and...
Miss Frances
Put Down Your Red Pen NOW!
These days, many schools in Australia and the U.K. banned the use of red ink as some claim that RED can harm young learners'...
Miss Frances
SCARY English from the MTR...
I should call them and 'invite' them to be one of my corporate clients! #ESL #Translation #BusinessEnglish #Businesswriting #MTRHongKong...
Miss Frances
When a 5-year-old's English is too good...
My student's mom showed me this. I swear to God that I've never taught her this word...not yet anyway!
Miss Frances
How many of you say ATM machine?
I wrote this for a bi-lingual magazine in Macau. The Portguese editor changed my ATM (Auto Teller Machine) to 'ATM machine'. Good news...
Miss Frances
This is DEFINITELY a very useful video. Say that 'definitely' again? #Pronunciation #Native #Exactly #Shortly #Immediately #Absolutely...
Miss Frances
This is so so funny and a VERY IMPORTANT lesson to learn!!! Many people, especially when texting, always skip the . , ! ? ; and other...
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