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. Let English Be Your Language .
Miss Frances
A - Z Personality...with Its Chinese Meaning
Start using these adjectives to describe people's personality. Oh, and I surely hope you're not PETTY and STINGY!
Miss Frances
Help us to improve OR Help us improve?
Well, probably the Ikea PR 'experts' got confused too...and that's why he / she used both 'Help us to improve' and 'Help us improve'. ...
Miss Frances
'Sold' or 'Sold out'??????
What will happen to Hong Kong or the Hong Kongers IF this kind of big-sized and luxury property are really SOLD OUT!!!!!! Shoes, jackets,...
Miss Frances
Use 'if' and 'when' correctly...or it can be VERY WORRYING!!!
If you live in Hong Kong or Macau, I think you see this sign all the time in the lift lobby. But this 'official' sticker / sign is...
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